James O'Keefe And Crew Are Not In The Same League As Hunter S. Thompson

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Some misguided commentator made the lame statement that the right wing nut case James O'Keefe was comparable to the late Hunter S. Thompson. O'Keefe was also said to be practicing "Gonzo" journalism.
Nothing could be further from the truth. James O'keefe. you're no Hunter Thompson!Thompson was no idealogue. He was no party hack. He marched to the beat of his own, very strange, drum. He railed against former President Nixon but he was in no way connected with politics, he had his own agenda.
Thompson was a brilliant writer and was the inspiration for Doonesbury's 'Duke' character.
O'Keefe and his crew are overtly partisan and much closer to the 'Plumbers' of Watergate notoriety, except much dumber.