Dicky's Doodles &Scribbles

Cartoons,editorials and comment about current events and more.

Thursday, June 29, 2006

Rush Limpaugh Is A Big Fat Hypocrite!

Ole Rush is having a hissy fit about the New York Times story on the way the finances of terrorists is targeted for investigation as a way to follow up leads on their organization. The story was based on "classified" information leaked to the press. Of course the leakers aren't important. The far right would much rather go after one of their favorite "BoogeyMen," The New York Times.
Having a hissy fit is one thing the GOPers' are good at.
For Rush it is a welcome diversion to the fact he was caught with an illegal prescription as he returned from the Dominican Republic on his private jet.
He doesn't want to answer questions about what he might have been doing there or about possible probation violations! His lawyer, Roy Black, says Rush used a false name on the prescription to "protect his privacy." On his own private jet?
The Congressional Republicans are incensed over the leaking and publication of a story that hasn't told anyone anything that wasn't already public knowledge. Their hyperbole is truly breathtaking!
For the GOP a hissy fit is what they think will divert the public's attention from their abyssmal poll numbers and their inept handling of everthing under the sun!
They just finished one failed diversionary tactic, the flag burning amendment. What's next? What else will this do nothing Republican congress waste their time on?

SUV Epiphany

SUV Epiphany

I was stuck in rush hour traffic in my SUV.
Driving to my McMansion in the suburbs
Which is twice as big as it needs to be.
It’s just my daily routine, a 30 mile commute.
So what if I burn a lot of gas, I don’t give a hoot!

I’m sorry all them soldiers are over in Iraq.
And I’m sorry that a lot of them wont be coming back.
Fighting a war on terror to protect our oil supply.
But I can’t adjust my lifestyle it’s too important to me.
So I keep on listening to my Ipod and driving my SUV.

The traffic started slowing down and then ground to a halt.
Everybody gave me dirty looks but it aint my fault!
Then a funny thing happened to them songs in my ear
Instead of Black Eyed Peas I began to hear
Songs straight from the sixties, a long, long time ago.

I heard somebody singing “I almost cut my hair”
I barely remember how I felt back then and there.
The voice went on “I’m going to let my freak flag fly”
I vaguely recall taking a stand but I don’t remember why.
But it came back to me when I heard “Four dead in Ohio!”

The next thing I heard was “A hard rain’s going to fall.”
I knew what it meant, it sharpened my recall.
We can’t escape the consequences to the earth of our lifestyle.
It depletes the world’s resources and causes global warming,
Super hurricanes and rising seas that might inundate us all.

The traffic started moving and it shook me from my reverie
But I had a strange feeling my life wasn’t what it used to be.
I decided to buy a hybrid and donate to the World Food Bank
And I would start burning ethanol blend in my fuel tank.
I wondered what my wife would think when I told we had to move.

Monday, June 26, 2006

General Casey's Plan Similar To Dems

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The U.S. general in charge of the multi-national force in Iraq has released a proposal that would make deep cuts in American forces there as early as September and cut the number of combat brigades by nearly two-thirds by late 2007.
Army Gen. George W. Casey presented his plan to Pentagon leaders. Casey’s plan would initiate phased withdrawls and eventually handing over the war to Iraqi forces.
Casey’s plan is not unlike recent Democratic Senate resolutions which were overwhelmingly defeated in the Republican controlled body amidst catcalls of “cut and run” and “policy of defeat.”
Many critics of the Democrat plan made statements claiming that decisions about troop strength should be left up to those in uniform” and not made by Senators back in Washington. Now that the top man in uniform in Iraq has basically validated the Democratic proposal there has been a strange cessation of the “Cut and run!” chorus.

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

G.W. And Global Warming

Links: http://www.ostroyreport.blogspot.com/#111505A%20/

Monday, June 19, 2006

GOP Alter Egos

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Sunday, June 18, 2006

Steam Boat G.W. !


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Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Ann Coulter Strikes Again!

Coulter's "war" on liberals!

Right wing nut case Ann Coulter recently attacked some of the widows of 9/11 describing them as "Enjoying their husbands' deaths."
She claims they are exploiting and enriching themselves by somehow using these tradgedies to their advantage.
Hmmm....now who is the one exploiting and profiteering from the horror of 9/11?
Could be the despicable right wing queen Coulter herself! Posted by Picasa


Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Rove Escapes Charges, Surprised?


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Sunday, June 11, 2006

Now We Must Move Forward Without Delay!

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Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Shocked! I'm Shocked There Is Corrpuption In Government!

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Congress; America's Only Criminal Class!

Top: Katherine Harris, R, Fla.
Below: Tom Delay, R, Tx. (resigned)

Mark Twain once said "Congress is America's only criminal class!" Someone else said "We have the best Congress money can buy."
Recent events seem to bear these sentiments out.
A study done by the Center for Public Integrity, American Public Media and Northwestern University's Medill News Service shows how members of Congress and their aides took free trips worth nearly $50 million paid for by corporations, trade associations and
other private groups between January 2000 and June 2005. 23,000 trips covered in the study featured such perks as $500 a night hotel rooms, $25,000 corporate jet rides and visits to popular spots such as Paris, Hawaii and Colorado ski resorts. "In many instances, trip sponsors appeared to be buying access to elected officials or their advisors," the study said.A few of these junkets had legitimate fact-finding missions but most were for fun and enjoyment with a speech or an appearance stuck in somewhere to justify the trip. The data emerged from a nine-month-long review of congressional travel disclosure forms and coincided with ongoing federal investigations of political corruption and efforts to clean up how
Congress does business.Jack Abramoff recently pleaded guilty to fraud charges and has
admitted he paid for golf trips, sports tickets and other gifts in return for votes and support that would help his clients.Congress has responded with a less than overwhelming ethics
measure. A bill passed by the House would require members to obtain prior approval from the House ethics committee before flying on corporate jets or accepting privately funded trips.Trips still may be financed by outside groups to help them learn about issues or to deliver speeches.Firms involved in the study included; Microsoft, Time Warner and The Walt Disney Co., along with the Association of American Railroads.Former House Majority Leader Rep. Tom DeLay and his staff took more money than others, accepting about a half million dollars in
trips during the period under review.
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Saturday, June 03, 2006

Pat Robertson Just Wont Go Away!

Loose talking, flim-flamming TV evangelist Pat Robertson is back in the news again. It seems he is now claiming to have leg pressed 2,000 pounds with the aid of his miracle health elixir! Right! And I have a bridge here in Corpus Christi to sell you!
Robertson seems to love being in the public eye no matter how ridiculous he is! It probably helps him scoop in more money from the gullible.

Ditzy Right Wing Blonde Coulter At It Again!

Ann Coulter, the ditzy right-wing loose cannon, so-called author and talking head, may have once again done something really stupid. Of course she doesn’t think the law or most social mores apply to her because she is a conservative saint on a crusade!
Coulter has hired a high powered law firm with connections to the White House to represent her against charges she voted illegally in a Palm Beach election.
Her attorney, Marcos Jimenez, of he Miami-based Kenny Nachwalter firm, along with famed attorney Ted Olson, worked for the George W. Bush's team in the 2000 presidential election fiasco.
Jimenez was also appointed by Bush as U.S. attorney for the southern district of Florida in 2002. He returned to private practice last year.
Coulter is said to have voted in a precinct close to her Palm Beach Home though her voter registration listed a different address, in another precinct.
Coulter is said to have ignored a poll worker who informed her that her correct voting precinct was elsewhere and she allegedly refused to correct the “mistake.”
Knowingly voting in the wrong precinct in Florida is a felony.
Coulter was given until April 30 to explain what happened but she has yet to take action other than hiring an attorney. Officials said they will wait "a few
more weeks" before starting a procedure that could strip Coulter of
her right to vote here and refer the case to State Attorney Barry

