Rudy Giuliani Proves Once And For All He is Certifiably Nuts!

Rudy Giuliani was on Good Morning America the other day running down President Obama as soft on terror and blasting him for the failed December 25, airliner bombing attempt.
Giuliani said that under G.W. Bush there had been no attacks on the American homeland. That is an odd thing to say from the former New York City mayor whose entire reputation was built on the 9-11 terror attack.
Giuliani and many other GOP critics seemed to also have forgotten about Richard Reid, the "shoe bomber," who made an attempt to blow up an airliner and who was tried and convicted in a U.S. civil court, a move that Giuliani then praised as an example of our judicial system which made us stand out above all other nations. He's singing a different tune now because of political expediency.
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