General Casey's Plan Similar To Dems

The U.S. general in charge of the multi-national force in Iraq has released a proposal that would make deep cuts in American forces there as early as September and cut the number of combat brigades by nearly two-thirds by late 2007.
Army Gen. George W. Casey presented his plan to Pentagon leaders. Casey’s plan would initiate phased withdrawls and eventually handing over the war to Iraqi forces.
Casey’s plan is not unlike recent Democratic Senate resolutions which were overwhelmingly defeated in the Republican controlled body amidst catcalls of “cut and run” and “policy of defeat.”
Many critics of the Democrat plan made statements claiming that decisions about troop strength should be left up to those in uniform” and not made by Senators back in Washington. Now that the top man in uniform in Iraq has basically validated the Democratic proposal there has been a strange cessation of the “Cut and run!” chorus.
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