Dicky's Doodles &Scribbles

Cartoons,editorials and comment about current events and more.

Friday, January 30, 2009

Senator John Cornyn;Texas' Embarrasment!

Senator John Cornyn, or "Big John," as he portrayed himself in his ridiculous campaign ad last year when he ran successfully for re-election, is a national embarrassment.
He insisted on a committe vote to hold up the nomination of Attorney General Eric Holder because he wanted Holder to agree in advance not to prosecute any intelligence agents or officials from the previous administration who may have been involved in the torture of suspected terrorists.
This is arrogance in the extreme and of course Holder would not agree to such a prior constraint on his actions.
Cornyn and the other Republican obstructionists are struggling to slow down President Obama's progress and derail his agenda. Cornyn is very likely one of many in the GOP who are looking ahead to 2012 and are now attempting to shore up the base of the far right Republicans.

Please check out the banner on the bottom of the page. This worthwhile group is seeking counselors and other positions for their summer programs. Here is a link for more information.


Thursday, January 29, 2009

GOP Today

The GOP used to stand for Grand Old Party. Well, I don't know about that description. Now it means Grand Obstructionists Party!

Monday, January 26, 2009

John Boehner; House Republican's 'Mr. No!'

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Bill Bennett, Perpetual Downer

Yesterday was a wonderful day and nary a discouraging word was heard. Well, except from the perpetual wet blanket, former drug czar and Education Secretary, Bill Bennett. Always ready to put down anything or anyone he doesn't like or agree with, he thinks he is the national social conscience, Bennett took issue with Obama's inaugural address. Citing the parts of the speech which pledged to do things differently than had been done in the Bush administration Bennett bristled, "That was totally uncalled for."
Bush will be lucky if those references are the worse things that happen to him as a result of the criminal way he ran the government!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

A New Day Dawns...

Outside my window the sun is shining and a cool breeze blows over a beautiful day. I am watching the inauguration of Barack Obama and I am rejoicing at the changing of the guard and the end of our eight year national nightmare under the G.W. Bush Presidency.
A friend sent me a message this morning which I print below.

From Steve Schiwetz:
Seamus Heaney wrote a version of Sophocles' Philoctetes called The Cure at Troy and
there is a passage in it which came to mind while I was thinking of how things were
when I was a kid growing up white in south Texas and what is going to happen in the

History says, don't hope
on this side of the grave.
But then, once in a lifetime,
the longed-for tidal wave
of Justice can rise up,
and hope and history rhyme.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Bush Gives Last Press Conference...Thank Goodness!!

Yesterday President G.W. Bush gave his final press conference as President, and we can be thankful our long national nightmare is nearly over! It was pure G.W., alternately self pitying, angry, humorous, finger pointing and flat out misleading.
He denied there was a slow response to Katrina. citing the work of the Coast Guard for rescuing so many in the immediate aftermath of the storm. The Coast Guard did perform heroically but Bush had nothing to do with it. We will never forget the dismal job done by FEMA and his hapless political appointee "Your doing a heckuva job Brownie" Michael Brown. He ignored the facts and put a very feeble spin on the story.
He said he made mistakes, such as the "Mission Accomplished" banner on the aircraft carrier. He ignored the fact that it was his policies which were disastrous.
He blamed the economic crash on Clinton! He said economic problems had started before he got there.
And, in an arrogant act of dismissal, he refused to recognize his longtime nemesis Helen Thomas. It would have been great to hear her question!
Of course there is much, much more to fault him for, torture, ignoring the constitution, tax cuts for the wealthy and the huge deficit he has left as his legacy.
Good riddance President Bush, and don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out!

Monday, January 05, 2009

Death Rules, No One Wins In Gaza

This drawing was done two years ago as a comment on the war with Israel and Hezbollah in Lebanon. It serves now as a reminder that no matter what war or which enemies the innocent suffer the most.

Friday, January 02, 2009

President Bush And Baby New Year

President Bush to the Baby New Year; "Look, you have to take over now if you like it or not!"