Iraq Cheer (with apologies to Country Joe McDonald)
Gimme an I…
Gimme a R…
Gimme an A
Gimme a Q…
What’s that spell?
What’s that spell?
What’s that spell?
Yeah, c’mon on all you neocons
Old G.W. has pulled another one
He’s gonna extend their tour of duty
So all the troops better watch their booty!
He’s got our troops under attack
Way over there in old Iraq
And it’s 1, 2, 3, what’re we fighting for?
When will our troops come back?
We’re in a mess in old Iraq
And it’s 5, 6, 7, open up the pearly gates
Well there ain’t no time to wonder why
Whoopee! we’re all gonna die
Well c’mon generals, let’s move fast
Your big chance has come at last
Forget Osama, attack Iraq instead
The war goes on though Saddam is dead
And you know that peace can only be won
When we’ve blown ‘em all to kingdom come
And it’s 1, 2, 3, what’re we fighting for?
When will our troops be comin’ back?
We’re in a mess in old Iraq
And it’s 5, 6, 7, open up the pearly gates
Well there ain’t no time to wonder why
Whoopee! we’re all gonna die
Well c’mon Wall Street
Don’t be slow
Why this is war a-go-go
There’s plenty good money to be made
By supplyin’ the Army with the tools of the trade
Build some tanks IED’s can’t blow
And you can make a lotta dough!
And it’s 1, 2, 3, what’re we fighting for?
When will our troops be comin’ back?
We’re in a mess in old Iraq
And it’s 5, 6, 7, open up the pearly gates
Well there ain’t no time to wonder why
Whoopee! we’re all gonna die
Well all you people throughout this land
We’re in a quagmire of desert sand
We started a war based on lies
Now hundreds of thousands have had to die!
We don’t know when our troops get back
‘Cause they’re gonna be stuck in old Iraq!
And it’s 1, 2, 3, what’re we fighting for?
When will our troops be comin’ back?
We’re in a mess in old Iraq
And it’s 5, 6, 7, open up the pearly gates
Well there ain’t no time to wonder why
Whoopee! we’re all gonna die
Now we practice extraordinary rendition
To interrogate suspects with no conditions.
Illegal wiretaps have come to light
They can hold you for years without your rights.
We may be on a slippery slope
Ending the war is our only hope.
And it’s 1, 2, 3, what’re we fighting for?
When will our troops be comin’ back?
We’re in a mess in old Iraq
And it’s 5, 6, 7, open up the pearly gates
Well there ain’t no time to wonder why
Whoopee! we’re all gonna die