Dicky's Doodles &Scribbles

Cartoons,editorials and comment about current events and more.

Monday, May 29, 2006

Still An Optimist!

Writing in Candide, which he denied writing, the eighteenth century French philosopher, author Voltaire wrote " If this is the best of all possible worlds, what are the others like?"
Optimism was, he wrote "The passion for maintaining that all is right when all goes wrong with us."
"Ultimately optimism is as self protecting a hypothesis about the world as one could imagine, since absolutely nothing can refute it."
Hmmm...I remain an optimist these days in spite of the state of affairs at large in our world. I would quote Mahatma Gandhi, "You must become the change you want to see in the world."


Thursday, May 25, 2006

Suddenly Upside Down Vehicles

There was a film clip on ABC's Good Morning America this morning that showed an SUV getting side swiped at 75 mph. on a Michigan highway. A car in the right lane suddenly swerved into the left lane to make way for another vehicle coming onto the roadway. The car made contact with the SUV which attempted unsuccessfully to avoid the accident and went out onto the shoulder. The driver, a young lady, then over corrected to the right which sent the SUV into a series of violent barrel rolls. Fortunately the driver escaped with only minor injuries, thanks to her seat belt. While the accident was not caused by the driver of the SUV the incident was a clear illustration of the major problem with these vehicles; they roll over much too easily and are inherently unsafe. A normal pasenger car would have been far less likely to roll over in the same incident. Coincidentally a report on our local news featured an accident in which a female driver rolled her SUV in another accident that should not have resulted in a rollover. In fact, scarcely a day goes by with out news of SUV'S rolling over! These things not only use way too much gas, pollute the atmosphere far more than other passenger vehicles, cost too much, clog up the roadways making forward vision more difficult for those not driving SUV's or trucks but their manufacturers receive a pass on meeting safety and gas mileage requirements because of legislation in Congress designating them as "trucks." Where is Ralph Nader now when we reallyneed him? Links:

Monday, May 22, 2006

Gangs Raid Expensive Coastal Homes!

Unruly gangs have been raiding expensive homes in a coastal area in South Africa’s Cape Peninsula, taking food, sometimes ransacking the place and defecating on designer furniture.
It’s not the normal type of gangs doing this, it is baboon troops who make their home on this scenic, formerly undeveloped natural wonderland.
Now wealthy humans have begun building oceanfront communities here, about 30 minutes from Cape Town, a popular tourist destination.
The baboons have always gotten along peacefully with humans and previously mostly ignored them. Now a conflict is arising because of the new development and the intelligent baboons always on the lookout for new food sources.
The recent rash of alligator attacks in Florida and here locally a few reports of coyotes eating a few house pets on Padre Island are all part of the same problem, over development and the increasing amount of new building in formerly wild and pristine areas.
A letter to the editor in a small local bi-weekly newspaper complained about Padre Island coyotes eating “Fluffy.”
“No one told me there were coyotes here!” wrote the women, understandably upset about the loss of her pet but amazingly unaware of her surroundings!
There have been similar letters from folks who were stung by stingrays or jellyfish and Portuguese Men of War. They wondered why there were no signs warning of these creatures.
In these types of incidents it is almost always the animals that lose in the end. The invading humans usually destroy or force the animals out as they radically change the natural habitat.
A larger number of non-dangerous species are affected as well. Again another local example, the piping-plover is a small local coastal bird on the endangered species list and it is coming under increasing pressure as beach development continues unabated. The local politicians and developers behind this are scornful of protecting such creatures. A common sentiment is often expressed in a comment such as this; “How can we let a tiny bird that only weighs a few ounces stop our mega death development in its tracks?”


Friday, May 19, 2006

No Official Language In A Free Country

Yesterday the U.S. Senate exercised a mockery of freedom as they voted 63-34 to make English the national language. Senators who led the effort said it would promote national unity.
But critics argued the move would prevent limited English speakers from getting language assistance required by an executive order enacted under President Clinton. So the Senate also voted 58-39 to make English the nation's "common and unifying language."
This is a travesty and is clearly unconstitutional. It is nothing more than political pandering to the basest elements in society, driven by racism and xenophobia.
"We are trying to make an assimilation statement," said Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., one of two dozen senators who voted Thursday for both English proposals.
Sen. Jim Inhofe, R-Okla., disputed charges that making English the national language was racist or aimed at Spanish speakers. Eleven Democrats voted for his measure. Sen. Ken Salazar, D-Colo, offered the alternative. The only Republican to vote solely for Salazar's "common and unifying" language option was Sen. Pete Domenici of New Mexico, whose home state's constitution prohibits discrimination on basis of inability to speak, read or write English or Spanish.
We should not even be talking about English as the “official” language when so many “real” Americans can’t speak or write grammatically correct English. The worst offender in the public eye is our chief executive, President George W. Bush. See below for a few examples of Presidential language gaffes:

"Will The Highways On The Internet Become More Few?"
"In My Sentences I Go Where No Man Has Gone Before."
"I Know How Hard It Is For You To Put Food On Your Family."
"I Hope You Leave Here And Walk Out And Say, 'What Did He Say?'"
"If Affirmative Action Means What I Just Described What I'm For, Then I'm For It."
The first amendment to the U.S. Constitution is printed here below. It says nothing about the freedom of speech applying to any particular language.

Amendment I - Freedom of Religion, Press, Expression. Ratified 12/15/1791.
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.


What Did God Tell Pat Robertson?


Tuesday, May 16, 2006

'Gator Attacks No Mystery

The recent fatal alligator attacks in Florida have the media going a bit on the sensational side. Headlines such as " Deadly Gator Attacks Puzzle Florida Officials," or "Officals Puzzled Over 'Gator Attacks," seem to be a bit over the top.Though tragic these attacks are no mystery. As is the case in most human-wild animal encounters the cause may be traced to one major factor, shrinking wild life habitat. As more areas are developed and settled on by humans wildlife gets squeezed harder. Conflict is bound to occur.Most of the time these conflicts result in the animals losing the bouts.More and more endangered species will become extinct, hardly noticed by the humans who displaced them.When these conflicts involve large predators the humans don't always win, as in these recent cases. There have been several recent human encounters with bears and mountain lions as well. Until last week, there were 17 fatal alligator attacks in Florida since records were begun in 1948. Other factors may be involved in these recent attacks. It is mating season and dry weather is also shrinking the alligators' normal environments.Alligators have also made a remarkable recovery from near extinction 25 years ago or so."When you have more predators in a place than you usually do and when they're hungrier than they usually are, that's when you get
unusual behavior," says Frank Mazzotti, a wildlife scientist at the University of Florida. It is also a good idea to exercise some caution and common sense when in areas populated by large predators.

Monday, May 15, 2006

Hummer H-1 To Go The Way Of The Dinosaurs

The Hummer H-1, the massive so-called SUV, will soon go the way of the dinosaurs whose fossilized remains comprise most of the carbon based fuel which it consumes in great amounts. The civilian version of the Hummer is one of those bad ideas whose time should never have come. As far as that goes, the military Hummer seems like a bad idea also. Intended as a replacement for the venerable jeep, the Hummer has instead morphed into our front line armored vehicle, a role it was not designed for. This has cost countless lives of servicemen. Good riddance to this macho expression of over-consumerism! Links:

Saturday, May 13, 2006

Happy Mothers' Day!

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Porter Goss, This Year's "Brownie" Award Winner!

Porter Goss, who just resigned as the Director of the CIA, is this year's recipient of the "Brownie" award! President Bush has uttered those immortal words "You're doing a heckuva job" in recognition of the utter mess Goss has achieved as chief of the formerly top spy agency. Under Goss' leadership the spy agency has become more politicized and demoralized than ever before. In addition, experienced operatives and intelligence officers have left in droves. So congratulations to the former director and to the Prez for "another fine mess you've gotten us into!" Links:

Monday, May 08, 2006

Two Dipsticks!

From the internet; a friend sent this!


Bush's Best Presidential Moment

When the German newspaper Bild asked him to name his best and worst moments as president, Bush had an unusual response as to his best moment.His worst moment was what you would expect. "The most awful moment was September the 11th, 2001," Bush said. Naming his best moment wasn't so easy he said. His choice seemed a bit surprising, but was probably more accurate than he realized. "I would say the best moment was when I caught a 7 1/2-pound largemouth bass on my lake," Bush said. I am not sure but I think that's a striped bass!

Sunday, May 07, 2006

Wayne Jeffs Placed On FBI'S 10 Most Wanted List

Wayne Jeffs, leader of a strange Mormon off-shoot polygamist sect in Arizona, has been placed on the FBI's 1o Most Wanted List for forcing a minor girl to marry an older man. Jeffs' cult was featured recently in a network TV profile in which screaming, hysterical women were featured and a general sense of looniness was the over-riding impression of the group. A good look at Jeffs makes you wonder how he married anyone, much less multiple partners! Links:

Public Lands Battle In Nevada

There is an interesting situation developing in Boulder City, Nevada, a small community about 25 miles southeast of Las Vegas. Local activists are seeking to build casinos in the area where gambling has been banned for the 75 year history of the place. There is a proposal to take a 167 square mile area of public undeveloped open land and develop it as a sort of mini Las Vegas. In order to accomplish this everyone of the town's current 15,000 residents would receive a sum estimated at around $3.2 million!Some city leaders say the plan would not pass court scrutiny and others do not want development which would radically transform this now pristine desert area.The proponents of the development say this is too important a decision to be left to the city council and are circulationg a petition to have it voted on by local residents. This is similar to the current controversy here in my home town over beach development and access. The biggest difference here is that if the developers win the fight they will radically diminish public beach access rights and the beach environment but the local residents will not get paid anything for it!

Thursday, May 04, 2006

Phoenix's Medieval Lord Sheriff

Arizona Posse To Arrest Illegal Immigrants
You have probably heard of Sheriff Joe Arpaio in Phoenix, Atizona. He runs Maricopa County as his own fiefdom and cares little about rule of law. It's "Joe's Law" there !Civil rights? Not in Joe's County!The self important tinhorn Arpaio has his own private army composed of private citizens and sheriff's deputies. His "Sheriff's Posse" has a history of working outside the law and now they plan to patrol the Phoenix area and arrest any illegal immigrants."I'm not going to turn these people over to federal authorities so they can have a free ride back to Mexico. I'll give them a free ride into the county jail," said Arpaio. Volunteers will be drawn from the department's 3,000-member posse. "It's important to send the message out to stay in Mexico and don't come roaming around here hoping you're going to get amnesty," said Arpaio, who in years past gained notoriety for putting inmates on chain gangs and issuing them striped uniforms and pink underwear.Arpaio's deputies have already arrested about 120 illegal immigrants using a new state smuggling law. "We're going to arrest any illegal who violates this new law," he said. Under the law, as interpreted by the Maricopa County attorney, illegal immigrants can be arrested and prosecuted for conspiracy to smuggle themselves into the country. The law's authors have said they intended it to be used to prosecute smugglers, not the immigrants being smuggled. Did you get that? If you sneak over the border on your own you will be charged with a conspiracy to smuggle illegal aliens! Absurd!
Lawyers for nearly 50 undocumented immigrants charged with conspiracy to commit human smuggling have filed motions to have the charges dismissed.A Los Angeles attorney brought into the case last week by the Mexican Consul General's Office in Phoenix plans to file another
motion claiming Maricopa County Attorney officials are violating state and federal law because it's the federal government's job to control illegal immigration.


Spanish Version Of The National Anthem; Much Ado About Nothing

This is a Spanish version of the Star Spangled Banner that is supposed to be right off the web site of the U.S. State Department. I can't verify that, I looked in vain on that site and didn't find it. It is a large, clumsy site so I may easily have overlooked it. This is not the version that was recently released and has driven the right wing radio fruitcakes nutzola! There is also a report, now denied by the White House, that President Bush recently joined in the singing the National Anthem in Spanish. But the point is there have been several versions of the anthem in many languages over the years. This is another case of much ado about nothing.

Himno nacional - La Bandera de Estrellas
Amanece: ¿no veis, a la luz de la aurora, Lo que tanto aclamamos la noche al caer? Sus estrellas, sus barras flotaban ayer En el fiero combate en señal de victoria, Fulgor de cohetes, de bombas estruendo, Por la noche decían: "!Se va defendiendo!" Coro: !Oh, decid! ¿Despliega aún su hermosura estrellada, Sobre tierra de libres, la bandera sagrada? En la costa lejana que apenas blanquea, Donde yace nublada la hueste feroz Sobre aquel precipicio que elévase atroz ¡Oh, decidme! ¿Qué es eso que en la brisa ondea? Se oculta y flamea, en el alba luciendo, Reflejada en la mar, donde va resplandeciendo Coro:!Aún allí desplegó su hermosura estrellada, Sobre tierra de libres, la bandera sagrada! ¡Oh así sea siempre, en lealtad defendamos Nuestra tierra natal contra el torpe invasor! A Dios quien nos dio paz, libertad y honor, Nos mantuvo nación, con fervor bendigamos. Nuestra causa es el bien, y por eso triunfamos. Siempre fue nuestro lema "¡En Dios confiamos!" Coro:!Y desplegará su hermosura estrellada, Sobre tierra de libres, la bandera sagrada! (Versión en español de Francis Haffkine Snow. Copyright 1919)

Supporters of the Spanish version have said that Bush has often sung the National Anthem in Spanish. They cite a book, "American Dynasty," by conservative author Kevin Phillips, who wrote that Bush "would drop in at Hispanic festivals and parties, sometimes joining in singing 'The Star-Spangled Banner' in Spanish." White House spokesman Scott McClellan told the truth for a change. He said it couldn't be true because "The president speaks Spanish, but not that well." McClellan continued "I'm saying that not only was that suggestion absurd, but that he couldn't possibly sing the national anthem in Spanish. He's not that good with his Spanish," McClellan said. Laura had no problem with a foreign version of the national hymn. "I don't think there's anything wrong with singing it in Spanish." She said she thought it should be sung in English, but pointed out that, "We are a nation of immigrants. We are a nation of many, many
languages, because immigrants come and bring their languages."


Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Bush Tackles Avian Flu

Ladies and Gentlemen, as you know my first duty is to protect the security of the United States of America. I have perceived a grave threat to the nation from the Bird Flu! Sometimes it is necessary to take preemptive action to stop danger from reaching our shores. Therefore I am now announcing a major military strike on the Canary Islands! Posted by Picasa