Suddenly Upside Down Vehicles

There was a film clip on ABC's Good Morning America this morning that showed an SUV getting side swiped at 75 mph. on a Michigan highway. A car in the right lane suddenly swerved into the left lane to make way for another vehicle coming onto the roadway. The car made contact with the SUV which attempted unsuccessfully to avoid the accident and went out onto the shoulder. The driver, a young lady, then over corrected to the right which sent the SUV into a series of violent barrel rolls. Fortunately the driver escaped with only minor injuries, thanks to her seat belt. While the accident was not caused by the driver of the SUV the incident was a clear illustration of the major problem with these vehicles; they roll over much too easily and are inherently unsafe. A normal pasenger car would have been far less likely to roll over in the same incident. Coincidentally a report on our local news featured an accident in which a female driver rolled her SUV in another accident that should not have resulted in a rollover. In fact, scarcely a day goes by with out news of SUV'S rolling over! These things not only use way too much gas, pollute the atmosphere far more than other passenger vehicles, cost too much, clog up the roadways making forward vision more difficult for those not driving SUV's or trucks but their manufacturers receive a pass on meeting safety and gas mileage requirements because of legislation in Congress designating them as "trucks." Where is Ralph Nader now when we reallyneed him? Links:
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