Tuesday, October 31, 2006
Friday, October 27, 2006
Thursday, October 26, 2006
The Real Rush Limbaugh

As if needing any further confirmation of his true character Rush Limbaugh dispelled all doubts with his attack on Michael J. Fox.
The bloviating blowhard outdid his usual low standards by claiming that Fox was "acting" in his endorsement of Missouri Senate candidate Claire McCaskill.
Of course Fox is suffering from Parkinsons disease and the effects of the disease are clearly visible in the clip.
Sometimes you hear people say "I was born in the wrong time," and they might point to a place in history where they feel they would have been better suited to exist.
There is little doubt which historical period Limbaugh belongs in.
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
No Longer Stay the Course?

In a strange, Orwellian flip-flop the Bush administration now has abandoned the "stay the course" rhetoric which they have bewen
repeating mantra-like for the past few years. After accusing those in opposition to the Bush course in Iraq of wanting to "cut and run" they are now developing a strategy complete with timetables for a withdrawl, similar to some of the proposals they have formerly villified. Sound confusing? Yes, it is certainly that. Desperation? Could be, as the mid-term elections loom. Tony "Snow Job" Snow, White House Spokesman, said "We have never been about 'stay the course.' " Huh? Links:
repeating mantra-like for the past few years. After accusing those in opposition to the Bush course in Iraq of wanting to "cut and run" they are now developing a strategy complete with timetables for a withdrawl, similar to some of the proposals they have formerly villified. Sound confusing? Yes, it is certainly that. Desperation? Could be, as the mid-term elections loom. Tony "Snow Job" Snow, White House Spokesman, said "We have never been about 'stay the course.' " Huh? Links:
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
Monday, October 16, 2006
Will We have Enough Energy?

Drilling for oil on a remote location near Sakhalin off the Kamchatka Peninsula.
A recent report released by the American Reliability Council this week, says that the use of generated electric power will soon outstrip the supply.The report says that power companies are not going to build enough power generation plants or increase the number of power lines to keep up with the demands for electricity in a nation that just exceeded the 300 million mark in population.The writing is on the wall, we either develop a more energy efficient and diverse energy profile or we will suffer severely in a world where more and more countries compete for declining energy resources.
Friday, October 13, 2006
Norquist Funneled Illegal Money To GOP

The Senate Finance Committee issued a 600 page report today, (Oct.
13) naming five tax- exempt political action groups that may have
broken tax laws. Their tax- exempt status may also be in question
because they may have been helping convicted lobbyist Jack Abramoff. Included on the list were Americans for Tax Reform, Citizens Against Government Waste and the Council of Republicans for Environmental Advocacy. It is illegal for tax- exempt groups to be paid to lobby or do public relations. Americans for Tax Reform is led by Grover Norquist, a big time Bush supporter and ally. He is also a longtime associate of Karl Rove. Norquist's group, according to the report, took $1.5 million from the Mississippi Band of Choctaw Indians, an Abramoff client. Most of that money was then passed to Christian Coalition founder Ralph Reed as part of an Abramoff effort to block a rival tribe's proposed casino in Alabama. Of course Norquist and others involved in this denied any wrongdoing. They also questioned the timing of the report's release so close to Nov. 7 elections in which Republicans are trying to return their control of Congress. John Kartch, communications director for Americans for Tax Reform, said "This is political nonsense put out by the Democrats in an inappropriate attempt to influence the election." David Williams, a vice president of Citizens Against Government Waste, said it was "kind of suspicious that three weeks before an election, this comes out." I bet they don't like these revelations coming out before the election.
Of course, if they had their way these things would have never seen the light of day!Other groups with close association with Abramoff had their tax-exempt status questioned as well. It found that: The Council of Republicans for Environmental Advocacy, co-founded by Italia Federici, Norquist and former interior secretary Gale Norton, received at least $250,000 from Abramoff clients to lobby the Interior Department. The National Center for Public Policy Research used money from Abramoff's clients to sponsor golf trips in 2000 and 2003 to Scotland for members of Congress.
Toward Tradition, a religion-centered group once chaired by Abramoff, took money for help with generating news articles for Abramoff and his clients.

Monday, October 09, 2006
Allen Again!

Senator George Allen may really be in some deep caca now! Forget about Macaca! It seems he has not reported stock options he has from a high-tech company he did work for. Allen also tried to get help from the Army for another business from which he has similar options.In an admission of obvious stupidity Allen's office said he did not report these options on his last five Senate disclosure reports because the purchase price exceeded the current
market value.Think about that, he is saying since he doesn't have to report these because the value has declined. I imagine a lot of folks would like to do that!His defense doesn't wash. Disclosure rules require senators to disclose to the Senate all deferred compensation, such as stock options. The rules also urge senators to avoid taking
any official action that could benefit them financially or appear to do so.This is the "sunshine" requirement designed to prevent members of Congress from engaging in possible conflicts of interest, especially involving companies with government business that lawmakers can influence.Allen's in deep doo doo! It's a good thing too. This guy is a lying, racist, sleaze bag!
Links: http://midlifemutations.blogspot.com/ http://www.ostroyreport.blogspot.com/ http://fuzzyandblue.blogspot.com/ http://orwellsgrave.blogspot.com/ http://jcdesigns.blogspot.com/