Allen Again!

Senator George Allen may really be in some deep caca now! Forget about Macaca! It seems he has not reported stock options he has from a high-tech company he did work for. Allen also tried to get help from the Army for another business from which he has similar options.In an admission of obvious stupidity Allen's office said he did not report these options on his last five Senate disclosure reports because the purchase price exceeded the current
market value.Think about that, he is saying since he doesn't have to report these because the value has declined. I imagine a lot of folks would like to do that!His defense doesn't wash. Disclosure rules require senators to disclose to the Senate all deferred compensation, such as stock options. The rules also urge senators to avoid taking
any official action that could benefit them financially or appear to do so.This is the "sunshine" requirement designed to prevent members of Congress from engaging in possible conflicts of interest, especially involving companies with government business that lawmakers can influence.Allen's in deep doo doo! It's a good thing too. This guy is a lying, racist, sleaze bag!

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