Wednesday, October 31, 2012
During Debate In GOP Primaries Romney Implied FEMA's Work Should Be Done By States Or Private Sector
Saturday, October 27, 2012
Friday, October 26, 2012
Right Wing Harpy Ann Coulter Calls Prez A "Retard!"
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Following Monday night’s Presidential debates right wing harpy Ann Coulter did a little tweeting. Here are the missives which attracted some attention:
"I highly approve of Romney's decision to be kind and gentle to the retard,"
"Obama: "Stage 3 Romneysia" - because cancer references are HILARIOUS. If he's "the smartest guy in the room" it must be one retarded room."
Political observers may recall the furor raised by Sarah Palin in 2008 when Rahm Emanuel unfortunately used the word in describing liberal activists. Here is a clip from the web about that: by Yuliya Talmazan | February 2, 2010 at 01:04 pm White House chief of staff Rahm Emanuel was slammed by former VP nominee and Governor of Alaska Sarah Palin for using the word "retarded" against liberal activists protesting U.S. debt management. Palin called Rahm Emanuel "retarded" comment "sick and offensive tactic." She noted that Emanuel's "retarted" comment was as unacceptable as using the "n-word," and called for President Obama to respond. On her Facebook fan page, Palin wrote: Just as we’d be appalled if any public figure of Rahm’s stature ever used the “N-word” or other such inappropriate language, Rahm’s slur on all God’s children with cognitive and developmental disabilities – and the people who love them – is unacceptable, and it’s heartbreaking. Continue reading at Rahm Emanuel's "Retarded" Comment: Sarah Palin Lashes Out | NowPublic News Coverage
Har•py noun, plural Har•pies. 1. Classical Mythology . a ravenous, filthy monster having a woman's head and a bird's body. 2. ( lowercase ) a scolding, nagging, bad-tempered woman; shrew. 3. ( lowercase ) a greedy, predatory person.
Thursday, October 25, 2012
Wednesday, October 24, 2012
Monday, October 22, 2012
Tuesday, October 16, 2012
Something Else To Blame On G.W. Bush; Privatization Of War

Click on pic for larger image From Wired magazine Feds Hired British Security Firm to Protect Benghazi Consulate By Spencer Ackerman and Noah Shachtman September 17, 2012 2:38 pm The State Department signed a six-figure deal with a British firm to protect the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya just four months before a sustained attack on the compound killed four U.S. nationals inside. Contrary to Friday’s claim by State Department spokeswoman Victoria Nuland that “at no time did we contract with a private security firm in Libya,” the department inked a contract for “security guards and patrol services” on May 3 for $387,413.68. An extension option brought the tab for protecting the consulate to $783,000. The contract lists only “foreign security awardees” as its recipient. The State Department confirmed to Danger Room on Monday that the firm was Blue Mountain, a British company that provides “close protection; maritime security; surveillance and investigative services; and high risk static guarding and asset protection,” according to its website. Blue Mountain says it has “recently operated in Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan, the Caribbean and across Europe” and has worked in Libya for several months since last year’s war. A representative for Blue Mountain, reached at its U.K. offices Monday, said no one was available to comment. The State Department frequently hires security companies to protect diplomats in conflict zones. It usually is done through what’s known as the Worldwide Protective Services contract, in which a handful of approved firms compete to safeguard specific diplomatic installations. In 2010, State selected eight firms for the most recent contract. Blue Mountain wasn’t among them, and the State Department did not explain why the Benghazi consulate contract did not go to one of those eight firms. It isn’t known how the Blue Mountain contractors performed Tuesday when the consulate came under sustained attack by small arms fire. In an official account provided Wednesday by the Obama administration, embassy security staff — both American and Libyan — failed to break the assault. They required help from Libyan security forces, assisted by a sympathetic Libyan militia, to regain control of the consulate’s main building and end a pitched battle that raged for 4.5 hours. Nor is it clear if two former Navy SEALs killed in the assault were Blue Mountain employees.
Monday, October 15, 2012
Friday, October 12, 2012
Thursday, October 11, 2012
Monday, October 08, 2012
Friday, October 05, 2012
Thursday, October 04, 2012
Wednesday, October 03, 2012
Tuesday, October 02, 2012
Monday, October 01, 2012
NY Times Columnist David Brooks Opines Against Early Voting
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Last Friday, September 28, appearing on the PBS News Hour, David Brooks had this to say about early voting.
"First, that is an abomination, that
people are voting already before the debates. It should never be allowed."
My reply to him is ... Bull shit on that! There is nothing Mitt Romney could say that would cause me to change the vote I am casting for President Obama. Below is a picture of my mail in ballot which I dropped into the mail box this morning.