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Rick Perry and the Texas GOP are engaging in some political sleight of hand to deceive Texas voters in the upcoming Gubernatorial election this November.
They are cynically making moves to split the ticket by helping funnel money to the Green Party and assisting them to get a spot on the ballot. They feel the Green Party will siphon off unsuspecting assorted left wing types and tree
huggers and so on who might otherwise have voted for Bill White. Thus those voters will help the party most antithetical to their values.
At the moment their efforts appear to be succeeding but it
aint over yet. State Dems vow further legal challenges but it will be difficult going forward. The state Supreme Court is full of Republicans, many Perry appointees.
Texas politics...sigh.
Below are press releases from the state Democratic Party.
Judge Rules that Green Party Can be Kept Off Ballot;
Source of Secret Corporate Money Tied to Former Perry Chief of Staff
(Corpus Christi, TX) – Texas Democratic Party Chairman Boyd Richie called on Rick Perry to come clean with Texas voters about what role Perry’s campaign played in funneling over $500,000 in secret corporate funds to fund a Green Party petition drive to help Perry’s floundering campaign.
During testimony today, a witness testified that he was paid approximately $12,000 by Rick Perry’s close friend and former Chief of Staff, lobbyist Mike
Toomey, to create a plan to gather signatures to get the Green Party of Texas on the ballot. Today, Travis County District Judge John
Dietz blocked the Green Party from a spot on the November ballot for accepting illegal corporate contributions to collect the signatures.
“It is time for Rick Perry to come clean with Texas voters,” Texas Democratic Party Chairman Boyd Richie said. “Some of Rick Perry’s closest and most trusted political
advisors played a role the effort to funnel corporate money into the illegal Green Party petition drive and Texas voters deserve to know the truth about the extent of their involvement in this illegal ballot scam.”
The involvement of Perry’s associates in this illegal scheme was revealed in sworn testimony in a Travis County District Court today.
“The involvement of Perry’s associates in this illegal scheme to tamper with Texas elections is another sign that career politician Rick Perry will do anything to save his floundering campaign and extend his corrupt political career,” Richie concluded.
· Today, Travis County District Judge John
Dietz blocked the Green Party from a spot on the November ballot due to the use of illegal corporate contributions used to collect the signatures necessary.
During testimony, it was discovered that Mike
Toomey, a close friend to Rick Perry and his former Chief of Staff, paid Garrett
Mize, a University of Texas student, approximately $12,000 to convince Green Party of Texas leaders to participate in the ballot petition scam.
· Perry’s family friend, Stewart Moss, a former employee of longtime Perry speechwriter Eric
Bearse, first approached
Mize about collecting signatures to get the Green Party on the ballot.
Toomey and Rick Perry have been described as “close friends” (Source: Texas Monthly, February 2005).
· Mike
Toomey was previously implicated in the
TRMPAC scandal in 2002, when secret corporate donations were used to illegally elect Republicans in Texas. According to reports from the Austin American-Statesman, the “indictments…noted that TAB board members Mike
Toomey and Eric Glenn, both lobbyists, played prominent roles in soliciting money. (Source: Austin American-Statesman, September 8, 2005).
July 02, 2010
Supreme Court allows Green Party to certify ballot UPDATED
The Texas Supreme Court today stayed a district judge's order blocking the Green Party of Texas from certifying its candidates for the general election ballot.
The effect of the order was to allow the Green Party to legally establish a list of candidates for the general election. But the court also set a series of deadlines for lawyers for the Texas Democratic Party and the Green Party to argue whether a ballot petition drive illegally used corporate money.
"We get to put our candidates on the ballot today. We don't know if we get to keep them there," said Green Party lawyer David Rogers.
Rogers said the order signaled that the court wants to take its time to decide whether corporate money can be legally used by a political party for ballot initiatives. He said the court signaled that there is a real legal issue "that needs to be considered carefully and thoughtfully and not in 15 minutes."
Democratic Party lawyer Chad Dunn said he does not believe the fight is over.
"The effect of the order is to give the Supreme Court time before they open up an enormous loophole for potential election fraud," Dunn said.
UPDATE: The Texas Secretary of State reports receiving a Green Party certification for the following statewide candidates:
Shafto of Houston for governor
Herb Gonzales Jr. of San Antonio for lieutenant governor
Art Browning of Cypress for railroad commissioner
Edward Lindsay of Fort Worth for state comptroller