Dicky's Doodles &Scribbles

Cartoons,editorials and comment about current events and more.

Friday, February 27, 2009

GOP Lemmings

Please check out the banner on the bottom of the page. This worthwhile group is seeking counselors and other positions for their summer programs. Here is a link for more information.
The Fresh Air Fund is also in need of hosts for this summer. Host families are volunteers who open their hearts and home to a child from the city to give a fresh air experience that disadvantaged children never forget. Below is a link which explains everything.

these links are to a nice Polish lady's photo blogs.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Bobby Jindal, What? Me Worry?

Louisiana governor Bobby Jindal made the GOP response to Obama's speech the other night. Jindal is the latest in a transparent move by the Republicans to demonstrate how "inclusive" their party is. They thought that the nomination of Sarah Palin as VP candidate would lure Hillary voters. They were wrong of course, Hillary voters were by and large appalled by Palin's lack of knowledge and gravitas.
Then the GOP selected Michael Steele as the head of the national GOP. Maybe he is black but he is still far right and wont appeal to liberal and moderate voters.
Now Jindal is put out front on national TV to further show the "big tent" of the GOP.
Problem is Jindal is a light weight without any real ideas on the issues.
In his speech he said that the monitoring of volcanoes was wasteful spending in Obama's budget. I bet Sarah Palin wouldn't agree with that given that Mt. Redoubt, in Alaska, is being watched and is possibly going to have a major eruption some time soon.
I bet Jindal would not want the National Weather Service to stop monitoring hurricanes!

Friday, February 20, 2009

Michelle Bachmann, A Great Example Of The Dumbing Down Of America!

Remeber Michelle Bachmann? She gained some national notoriety for some of her
frankly, stupid, comments during the 2008 election. In her race for re-election to her seat, the 5th district of Minnesota, she called for the national media to investigate members of Congress for perceived anti-American bias, including Barack Obama.
Appearing on MSNBC's Hardball, Bachmann had this to say.
"If we look at the collection of friends that Barack Obama has had in his life," she said, "it calls into question what Barack Obama's true beliefs and values and thoughts are. His attitudes, values, and beliefs with Jeremiah Wright on his view of the United States...is negative; Bill Ayers, his negative view of the United States. We have seen one friend after another call into question his judgment -- but also, what it is that Barack Obama really believes?"
When asked by Chris Matthews to expand on her views she continued.
"Remember it was Michele Obama who said she is only recently proud of her country
and so these are very anti-American views," she said. "That's not the way that most
Americans feel about our country. Most Americans are wild about America and they are
very concerned to have a President who doesn't share those values."
Matthews asked her to name a single member of Congress other than Obama who she
thought was anti-American. Bachmann, who initially wouldn't budge, called for a major "expose" into the matter.
"What I would say is that the news media should do a penetrating expose and take a
look. I wish they would. I wish the American media would take a great look at the views of the people in Congress and find out if they are pro-America or anti-America," she said.

The following comes from the Dump Blachmann blog.

* ACORN is "under federal indictment for voter fraud," but the stimulus bill
nevertheless gives ACORN "$5 billion." (In reality, ACORN is not under federal
indictment and isn't mentioned in the stimulus bill at all.)
* many members of Congress have "a real aversion to capitalism."
* the stimulus bill includes a measure to create a "rationing board" for health care, and after the bill becomes law, "your doctor will no longer be able to make your health care decisions with you."
* the recovery package is part of a Democratic conspiracy to "direct" funding away from Republican districts, so Democratic districts can "suck up" all federal funds. Bachmann doesn't think this will work because, as she put it, "We're running out of rich people in this country."
* the "Community-Organizer-in-Chief" is also orchestrating a conspiracy involving the Census Bureau, which the president will use to redraw congressional lines to keep Democrats in power for up to "40 years." When the host said he was confused, noting that congressional district lines are drawn at the state level, Bachmann said Obama's non-existent plan is an "anti-constitutional move."

It is easy to ridicule some shit head like this but we in Texas don't have a leg to stand on when it comes to complaining about other states that elect idiots to office. We have done more than our share of the same!

Please check out the banner on the bottom of the page. This worthwhile group is seeking counselors and other positions for their summer programs. Here is a link for more information.


The Fresh Air Fund is also in need of hosts for this summer. Host families are volunteers who open their hearts and home to a child from the city to give a fresh air experience that disadvantaged children never forget.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Afghanistan Is Sliding In The Wrong Direction

I am repeating here an earlier cartoon and post about Afghanistan from just over a year ago. As the war in Iraq has wound down, at least for the moment, attention is being shifted to the war in Afghanistan which is, by all accounts, going badly. This is another hangover from the G.W. Bush administration which seriously neglected Afghanistan has he started the war in Iraq.
Now President Obama is sending more troops to Afghanistan, possibly the vanguard of a new "surge" in that historically embattled country which has resisted invasions and occupations for centuries.

Afghanistan blog post one year ago

Friday, January 11, 2008
Kipling On Afghanistan...

The United States just announced plans to send 3,000 Marines to bolster our forces in Afghanistan in preparation for an expected spring offensive by the Taliban.
The current situation in Afghanistan is probably not as rosy as many have been inclined to paint it. While it is improving, the construction of roads, schools, hospitals and many of the things needed to help the people of Afghanistan is lagging behind predictions and is falling short of what is required.
If the Karzai government is ever to stand on its own it must deliver on its promises and must get out from the shadow of the United States.
Afghanistan has a long history of defeating invaders. For the U.S. to have a lasting effect we must be seen as friends and not as invaders and occupiers.
When the Russians pulled out of Afghanistan after their disastrous experience there, they lost over 100,000 soldiers and their puppet government fell as soon as they left, a Russian general was asked about the experience. He quoted some verses from Kipling’s A Young British Soldier, and added “…We should have read more Kipling!”

When you're wounded and left on Afghanistan's plains,
And the women come out to cut up what remains,
Jest roll to your rifle and blow out your brains
An' go to your Gawd like a soldier.
Go, go, go like a soldier,
Go, go, go like a soldier,
Go, go, go like a soldier,
So-oldier ~of~ the Queen!

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Lyndsey Graham Throws Another Snit Fit!

Senator Lyndsey Graham,(R-SC) has been throwing regular snit fits in the first weeks of the Obama Administration. He has loudly ridiculed all of the economic recovery efforts now underway and has made a sham of all attempts to portray the GOP as acting in a bi-partisan manner to solve the nation's problems. He and his right wing cadre of Congressional Republicans are more interested in bringing down the new President than in doing what's right for the country.
They are more interested in what's "right wing" for the country. They are sore losers!

Friday, February 13, 2009

GOP At War Against President Obama

Can anyone doubt that the GOP has declared war against President Obama. The Republicans in Congress have dug in against anything the new President has tried to do in the early weeks of the new administration.
But on Monday, Feb. 9th, one of their number, Pete Sessions, R 5th district, Tx., made it more than clear when he made these despicable remarks.
"Insurgency, we understand perhaps a little bit more because of the Taliban. And that is that they went about systematically understanding how to disrupt and change a person's entire processes. I'm not trying to say the Republican Party is the Taliban. ... I'm saying an example of how you go about [it] is to change a person from their messaging to their operations to their frontline message. And we need to understand that insurgency may be required when the other side, the House leadership, does not follow the same commands, which we entered the game with."

Huh? Now that's clear as mud. Inspired by the Taliban? What a lofty ideal to aspire to emulate.
The sudden withdrawl by Senator Jud Gregg (R NH) as the nominee to head the Department of Commerce was no doubt in response to pressure from Congressional Repblican leadership.
With Republicans voting as a block in both houses of Congress in opposition they have demonstrated they have no desire to operate in any kind of bi-partisan manner.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Controversy Concerning "Creation Science" Vs. Evolution Still Goes On

It has been more than eighty years since Clarence Darrow and William Jennings Bryan argued the case in Tennessee about the teaching of evolution in public schools.
Amazingly, the battle continues into 2009 as school districts around the country still come under attack for teaching science instead religious mythology in school.
Proponents of this phony so called "creation science" are basically saying that the science of evolution and natural selection is so complicated that they don't understand it, therefore it must have been done by some outside party, some sort of sentient being that must have done this.
Their argument is a thinly veiled attempt to force the teaching of religious dogma in public schools. This is an attempt to circumvent U.S. Supreme Court decisions which enforce the constitutional separation of church and state.
School boards must resist this misguided attempt. Our students already are lagging in science education, we sure don't want to put them further behind.

Please check out the banner on the bottom of the page. This worthwhile group is seeking counselors and other positions for their summer programs. Here is a link for more information.


Thursday, February 05, 2009

Sarah Palin Shooting Wolves From An Airplane

Please check out the banner on the bottom of the page. This worthwhile group is
seeking counselors and other positions for their summer programs. Here is a link for
more information.


Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Abstinence Only Programs An Expensive Failure

Former President G.W. Bush and his right wing cohorts pushed for abstinence programs to replace traditional forms of sex education in schools. This was a bad idea and has been ineffective in stemming teen age pregnancies.
Currently the U.S. government doles out $176 million a year supporting these programs. $176 million a year! That is ridiculous. How could it cost that much to tell teenagers not to have sex?
The answer is obvious. This is a way G.W. Bush paid off some of his right wing supporters. You can read that two ways. First, the money. Who benefited from all that money? And secondly this was pandering to the right wing who oppose sex education and free choice on abortion.
Cecile Richards, president of the Planned Parenthood Federation of America,said the federal abstinence only program was "an utter failure that has wasted more than $1.5 billion" over the past decade. She noted that several major studies,including a federally funded review,have found no evidence that the abstinence only approach works in deterring teen sex.

Monday, February 02, 2009

Groundhog Day In Washington D.C.

Click on pic for larger image

Sunday, February 01, 2009

Michael Steele; The Putney Swope Of The GOP

The current leadership of the Republican Party is apparently lost in the wilderness. During the presidential campaign they attempted to pick up women voters and disgruntled Hillary supporters by naming Sarah Palin as their vice presidential nominee. They blithely assumed that Palin would gain their support. They didn't seem to realize that as Palin's actual views, and qualifications became known that she would hurt the ticket rather than help it.
Now, in the wake of Barack Obama's victory they have decided to appoint Michael Steele as the national head of the Republican party. It is a transparent move in an attempt to show GOP diversity.
Steele does make history as the first African American to lead the Republicans. He aint no Barack Obama.
Steele, the former Lieutenant Governor of Maryland, is a right wing conservative who once held the seat as chairman of GOPAC, the far right PAC that was created by Newt Gingrich.
This is reminiscent of the movie Putney Swope, produced and directed by Robert Downey Sr. back in the late 60's, which told the story of Swope, a "token negro" who served on the board of a Madison Avenue advertising agency and became the chairman of the board in an unusual set of circumstances. (See the movie!)

Please check out the banner on the bottom of the page. This worthwhile group is seeking counselors and other positions for their summer programs. Here is a link for more information.
