Bush Gets Advice From Henry Kissinger

Bob Woodward told Mike Wallace that the Bush administration has misled the American public about the level of violence ocurring in Iraq. The attacks against U.S. troops has also been downplayed.
Woodward said he has intelligence estimates which claim the violence will get worse next year.Woodward was interviewed on 60 Minutes, Oct. 1. Henry Kissinger is said to be advising President Bush according to Woodward.
Among other things Woodward said in the interview was that insurgent attacks against coalition troops occur, on average, every 15 minutes. "It’s getting to the point now where there are eight, nine-hundred attacks a week. That's more than 100 a day. That is four an hour attacking our forces," says Woodward. In spite of claims from the Pentagon and the White House the situation is getting much worse, says Woodward. "The truth is that the assessment by intelligence experts is that next year, 2007, is going to get worse and, in public, you have the
president and you have the Pentagon 'Oh, no, things are going to get better.'" The President and Vice President meet often with with Henry Kissinger. Kissinger was, of course, President Richard Nixon’s secretary of state. "Now what’s Kissinger’s advice? In Iraq, he declared very simply, ‘Victory is the only meaningful exit strategy.'" Woodward adds. "This is so fascinating. Kissinger’s fighting the Vietnam War again because, in his view, the problem in Vietnam was we lost our will." Woodward says "President Bush is absolutely certain that he has the U.S. and Iraq on the right course. "The President is quoted as saying "I will not withdraw, even if Laura and Barney are the only ones supporting me. "Who's Barney?
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