Bush Policy, Statements On Iran Nukes Clear As Mud

Bush Says Plans To Nuke Iran "Wild Speculation!"
President Bush, speaking Monday at Johns Hopkins University's School of Advanced International Studies in Washington, said that the military option is on the table as the administration decides what to do about Iran and it's growing "nukular" threat.
The New Yorker magazine was one of several that said the adminsitration was considering using nuclear weapons against the heavily bunkered Iranian underground nuclear sites.
Responding to these reports Bush said, "What you're reading is just wild speculation."
British Foreign Secretary Jack Straw said "The reason why we're opposed to military action is because it's an infinitely worse option and there's no justification for it."
The White House said the Pentagon is conducting "normal military contingency planning" concerning any possible military action against Iran.
British Foreign Secretary Jack Straw the idea of a nuclear strike was "completely nuts." Straw said Britain would not launch a pre-emptive strike on Iran.
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