An Inconvenient Truth...Like It Or Not!

Yesterday I watched Al Gore's film An Inconvenient Truth. I guess I must be the last one to have seen it and of course I knew that the film had earned an Oscar and has been the subject of much discussion, as well as ridicule from the haters of the far right.
Even if some of the stated facts are incorrect, as some have said, that's minor quibbling I think, the film does make a powerful statement.
In light of scientific meterological data there can no longer be any doubt that the climate is warming. Many still question whether man is causing this change.
I feel that is not the central question. There is no doubt that human activites have wrought many changes, most for the worse, on our planet. If that is not the primary cause of climate change it is certainly a major contributing cause. Air and water pollution is a major problem in it's own right.
In an odd coincidence I was watching Wolf Blitzer on CNN yesterday afternoon after I had watched the movie. Blitzer had Glenn Beck on his program for one of the many interminable self serving network program promotions. Now Glenn Beck is another of the many scare mongering hate merchants of right wing talk, sort of a Rush Lite. Beck spent his time trashing Gore and the movie. How did he know I had just watched it? Hmmm...Anyway Beck was frothing at the mouth claiming global warming was a liberal myth and how environmentalism would be bad for business and making his most startling claim, that engaging in global treaties to improve the environment would be a loss of American sovreignity. That's an absurdity!
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