"God Told Me To Resign," Says Richard Roberts of ORU

Richard Roberts, president of Oral Roberts University in Tulsa, has
decided to resign, after, he says, God told him to on Thanksgiving.
Roberts said he didn’t want to.
"Every ounce of my flesh said 'no'" Roberts said.
He said he prayed about it with his Father, Oral Roberts, and his wife. I guess God is not so all powerful if you have to consult with the family first.
Roberts and his wife have been accused of living a lavish life style with university funds.
A lawsuit accuses Roberts of profligate spending at a time when the university faced more than $50 million in debt.
He is said to have gone on huge shopping sprees, buying a stable of horses and paying for a daughter to travel to the Bahamas aboard the university jet.
Other stories have been in the press concerning some un-evangelical behavior concerning his wife and some male students.
Oral Roberts, Richard’s father and founder of ORU, was famous for his vision of a “900 foot tall Jesus” which spoke to him and for his fund raising method of claiming “God was going to take me home” if a certain amount of money wasn’t raised for ORU.
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