Juan Williams Proves He's Clueless About The Plight Of The Unemployed!

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Juan Williams told Fox News' Megyn Kelly that extended
unemployment benefits are harmful to peoples' work ethic and basic values.
The two were speaking about the fight over the extension of the benefits on Thursday's "America Live." Kelly told Williams that a man she knows is staying
on unemployment because his jobless benefits bring him more money than a potential job.
"To me it's crazy because the longer that person is unemployed the more difficult it is then for them to get a job," Williams said. He continued:
"Because employers, potential employers, will look and see that gee, they've been out forever, it doesn't make sense. And I think that's partly playing in to this cycle. And at some point then it becomes a matter of you lose your work ethic, your values are impacted, you know, getting up, showing up, dressing well, all that good stuff. So I don't know that that's smart."
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