These Men Think You Are Stupid!

Jon Kyl declared that the Senate was too busy right now to have a vote on the new START Treaty which cuts missile stockpiles for both Russia and the US.
This is a goal long pursued by past Presidents, Republican and Democrat, and was finally agreed to by both nations.
Of Course it must be ratified in the Senate which has been the place where Republicans, using every stalling tactic and trick in the book, have vowed to bring down President Obama.
Once Republicans urged support of G.W. Bush policies in the two wars now ongoing "to support our troops."
Now they seem to have forgotten about that notion. Russia is allowing supplies and war materiel to cross its borders as NATO maintains its forces engaged there. A setback in relations with Russia could endanger this arrangement.
Jon Kyl and Mitch McConnell take the top prize in hypocrisy and pure political posturing.
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