Antebellum Rick

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Rick Perry, the anti-Washington Governor of Texas, previously breached the idea of secession from the union, presumably with him as President of the new Texas Republic.
Now he has recessitated another antebellum idea that was floating around in the South before the civil war, that is, invading Mexico. In the mid 19th century many southern firebrands dreamed of a slave republic possibly stretching down into South America. Of course following the conclusion of that war the United States did invade the country, in an action described by U.S. Grant as "The most unjust war ever waged by a stronger nation against a weaker one."
Last Thursday Perry said the U.S. might need to send U.S. troops to Mexico to prosecute the drug war. He didn't mention that most of the guns used by the drug cartels come from Texas. Of course Perry isn't advocating the creation of a slave republic but his cavalier attitude towards a neighbor's territorial integrity is troubling.
Porfirio Diaz, a long time Mexican dictator who had formerly been one of Juarez's lieutenants, once said "Pobre Mexico. Mas cerca de los Estados Unidos. Mas lejos del Dios." ..."Poor Mexico, so close to the United States. So far from God."
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