Virginia Thomas Asks Anita Hill To Apologize

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Viirginia Thomas recently left a message on Anita Hill's voice mail. Thomas, wife of Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, asked that Hill apologize to Thomas and explain why she raised what she claims to be the "false" allegations of sexual harrassment against her husband during his hearings before the Senate considering his nomination to the high court. Clarence Thomas described those hearings as a "high tech lynching." He later attacked Hill in his book. Virginia Thomas is a member of the right wing Heritage Foundation and a Tea Party activist.
Below is an AP story on the phone call from Virginia Thomas.
Mark Sherman AP
WASHINGTON — The wife of Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas called Anita Hill to ask her to apologize for accusing the justice of sexually harassing her, 19 years after Thomas' confirmation hearing spawned a national debate about harassment in the workplace.
Virginia Thomas said in a statement Tuesday that she was "extending an olive branch" to Hill, now a Brandeis University professor, in a voicemail message left over the weekend.
In a transcript of the message provided by ABC News, which said it listened to the recording, Thomas identified herself and then said, "I just wanted to reach across the airwaves and the years and ask you to consider something. I would love you to consider an apology sometime and some full explanation of why you did what you did with my husband. So give it some thought and certainly pray about this and come to understand why you did what you did. OK, have a good day," Thomas said.
When Hill heard the voicemail, she contacted Brandeis' public safety office, which in turn informed the FBI.
"I certainly thought the call was inappropriate," Hill, who worked for Clarence Thomas in two federal government jobs, said in a statement released Tuesday night.
"I have no intention of apologizing because I testified truthfully about my experience and I stand by that testimony," she added.
In her statement, Virginia Thomas said she did not intend to offend Hill.
"I did place a call to Ms. Hill at her office extending an olive branch to her after all these years, in hopes that we could ultimately get passed (sic) what happened so long ago. That offer still stands, I would be very happy to meet and talk with her if she would be willing to do the same," Thomas said.
FBI Special Agent Jason Pack, a spokesman at bureau headquarters in Washington, declined to comment on the voicemail.
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