GOP 2012 Field Taking Shape?

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The list of possible challengers for the 2012 GOP Presidential nomination is presently quite large, even though the number was recently reduced by two with the embarrassing revelations by possible hopefuls John Ensign and Mark Sanford. Few have officially announced their intentions but there are plenty of tea leaves to peruse.
Mitt Romney, Sarah Palin and Mike Huckabee are probably sure bets to run. Tim Pawlenty, Republican Governor of Minnesota, has been mentioned.
Newt Gingrich is also making candidate like noises and appearances.
Former U.S. Senator (R, Tenn.)Fred Thompson, he of the burly physique and deep voice, and with a large film and TV credit list,has revived his FredPAC and has been regularly mailing out email newsletters with himself haughtily prognosticating about current events and disparaging President Obama, liberals and taxes.
There are other seemingly ridiculous choices, such as U.S. Senator John Cornyn (R Tx.) whose name has come up amazingly enough. Anybody who thinks John Cornyn is Presidential material is drinking from the same koolaid as Sarah Palin supporters!
U.S. Senator (R. Tx.) Kay Bailey Hutchison has already announced she is planning to leave the Senate and challenge the sitting Texas Governor Rick Perry. Perry is another highly unlikely name that has been mentioned as a possibility in the GOP prez race. Some think Hutchison is angling for a run as well, after she unseats Perry as guv.
It's already a large field and will likely grow though of these perhaps only Romney and Huckabee have a legitimate shot at the prize. We'll just have to see what happens.
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