Not Another Actor For President!

Fred Thompson To Run On "Law And Order" Platform?
Fred Thompson, a former United States Senator, prosecutor, and film and television actor is considering joining the wide open race for the Republican presidential nomination for the 2008 election.Thompson is perhaps best know for his role in the NBC series “Law & Order.” He has also appeared in many other TV spots and a number of movies. In addition to having been a senator he has been a district attorney and served as Minority Counsel to the Senate Watergate Committee.Thompson first appeared on screen in the film “Marie” in 1985, portraying himself in the fact-based story of a high-profile case he handled in Tennessee. Since then, he has appeared in numerous movies and television programs, including the features “In the Line of Fire,” “Die Hard II,” and “The Hunt for Red October,” and the series “China Beach,” “Wiseguy,” and “Matlock.” Thompson is showing surprising strength in early poll numbers, especially since he has not formally launched a campaign as of yet. Many on the far right of the GOP are saying he might be the much sought for "conservative" candidate. These folks believe that Giuliani and McCain's overall support is soft and someone like Thompson might be successful.Of course we have had one screen star as President. Many still hold up Ronald Reagan as a great President but in reality he was a farce. He was a front man for the cadre of special interests who backed him and he set a record for the number of convictions, indictments and investigations which took place concerning members of his administration. He wrecked the PATCO union of air traffic controllers for which we are still suffering and his economic policies helped exacerbate the inequities in income and privilege we now experience. His overblown defense budget and Star Wars spending mushroomed the budgfet deficits at the time and are now increased by another reckless GOP so-called conservative.We don't need Fred Thompson for President. Let him stay on the screen.
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