Blame It On The Iraqis!

Lately a lot of finger pointing is being directed at the Iraqis for "not doing enough" to end the sectarian violence unleashed on the land following the Allied invasion and the subsequent civil war.
President G.W. Bush said that "I need for the Iraqis to show me something," as he acknowledged growing dissatisfaction at home with his war policies.
A growing number of Congressmen and other political figures have said things like "The Iraqis are not doing enough," or "The Iraqis must take responsibility for their own future."
The Republicans constantly chide the Democrats for "not having a plan." They have one?
Blame It On The Iraqis
Blame it on the Iraqis
It’s all their fault
Can’t go out for a beer
Can’t go out for a malt
Can’t leave the Green Zone
It aint safe on the road
They got IED’s
Every where you go.
Watch out for the Mahdis
And the Quds force too
They are Iranians
Who are gunning for you.
Blame it on the Iraqis
It’s all their fault.
Can’t go out for a beer
Can’t go out for a malt
Forced us to invade them
To get rid of Saddam
We were all told
He had an atom bomb.
This is the war on terror
We hear our president say
But this war was an error
Gets worse every day..
Blame it on the Iraqis
It’s all their fault.
Can’t go out for a beer
Can’t go out for a malt
Don’t know Sunnis from Shiites
Don’t really care
Which brand of Islam
They practice over there.
So it continues
The blood sweat and toil
But the real cause for the war
Lies in the oil.
Blame it on the Iraqis
It’s all their fault.
Can’t go out for a beer
Can’t go out for a malt
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