Crazy Pat Is Banned From Israel Business Dealings!

Israel To Cut Ties With Robertson
Pat Robertson is full of apologies today as it has been revealed that the government of Israel is breaking ties with Robertson on plans to build a Christian tourism center in that country.
I wonder if he thinks that is Divine Retribution?
The planned site was to be built with an expected $50 million raised from a number of evangelical Christian groups. It is not clear if this project will go ahead but if so it will probably be without Robertson and his 700 Club.
Tourism Minister Abraham Hirchson said he gave instructions to "stop all contact" with groups associated with Robertson. But Hirchson said the order did not apply to "all the evangelical community, God forbid."
I was wondering when a country who Pat Robertson believes must be destroyed, before he can be saved, would finally give him the heave-ho.
Isn't that the truth!
I think that both of these religious "schools of thought," if you will, are thinking of the money they may generate by engaging in these type of projects.
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