Condi...I'm Sorry, So Sorry

Condi has been singing several choruses of "I'm Sorry..." lately as it has been disclosed that unauthorized contractors having been peeking through the confidential passport files of Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton. Even John McCain's files were rifiled.
The private contractors,Stanley Inc.,based in Arlington, Va., and The Analysis Corp., or TAC, of McLean, Va., said Friday that their employees' actions were unauthorized and not consistent with company policies.
Just this week, Stanley won a five-year, $570 million government contract extension to support passport services. This is just another example of Bush croneyism and incompetence.
These actions were explained away as harmless "imprudent curiousity." Right!
Should it be a surprise that a G.W. Bush State Department plays fast and loose with ethics and political dirty tricks? That is undoubtedly what's behind these incidents.
It should be recalled that the same thing happened in the George H.W. Bush presidency when Bill Clinton's passport files were surrepticiously viewed. Must be a Bush family tradition.
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