G.W. Bush Thinks He Is "The King O' The World!"

President Bush was in Palestine Wednesday and predicted that a Mideast peace treaty would be completed by the time he leaves office.
"I'm on a timetable," he told reporters. "I've got 12 months."
Twelve months! He has had seven years and has done little if anything.
This is the President who scornfully attacked former president Bill Clinton as being too much concerned about his legacy. Now the word ’legacy’ appears to be on the mind of this the lamest of lame ducks.
This so-called advocate of bringing democracy to the Middle East has a bit of a problem in Palestine where an election brought to power Hamas, a group Bush calls a terrorist organization. So he has a meeting with Mahmoud Abbas, the man who was overturned by that election. After the Hamas victory Abbas promptly formed a separate government dividing the Palestinian Authority territory.
Hamas took over the volatile Gaza Strip in June of last year.
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