Darth Cheney

Former Vice President Dick Cheney appeared on TV this morning, Sunday, March 15, and covered himself and the G.W, Bush administration with praise for their ‘accomplishments’ and warning that President Barack Obama is pursuing policies that are setting the United States up for another attack.
This is quite a claim for a Vice president of an administration which probably converted more Muslims to extremism than any single factor.
"We've accomplished nearly everything we set out to do," said Cheney.
Cheney said the use of interrogation techniques which everyone in the world considers torture was “absolutely essential.”
"President Obama campaigned against it all across the country, and now he is making some choices that, in my mind, will, in fact, raise the risk to the American people of another attack," Cheney said.
Talking about the problems which arose during the G.W. Bush administration Cheney said “Stuff happens.”
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