Kay Bailey Hutchison; Possible Veep?

As the 2008 election year moves along it may be time to start looking at possible Vice Presidential candidates. One person oft mentioned as a possible Republican veep candidate is the senior Senator from Texas, Kay Bailey Hutchison.
Hutchison first came into the view of the public at large as treasurer of Harris County. There she was dogged about questions concerning her treatment of employees and some ethical lapses.
She left that job before her term expired to become the Treasurer for the State of Texas. Before that term was up she ran for the U.S. Senate against Bob Kreuger, who was appointed by Governor Ann Richards to the Senate seat vacated by Lloyd Bentsen, who took a position as Secretary of the Treasury in the Clinton Administration.
Hutchison soon become a visible and vocal part of the Washington Republican establishment.
She is remembered for loudly and often blasting President Clinton for the U.S. involvement in former Yugoslavia. Her favorite critiscism was "We have no exit strategy." It's interesting to see she has never raised that question concerning Iraq!
There is also a lot of speculation, which seems more likely, that she will leave her post in the Senate, she already has demonstrated a clear pattern of leaving her offices early, and seek the office of Governor of Texas. She may well harbor Presidential ambitions and probably wouldn't be interested in being the nominee for Vice President in a year when GOP chances are looking slimmer by the day.
Below is a look at her campaign finance situation.
One of the most interesting things here is that she has raised $4,994,958 between 2003-2008 but spent only $1,136,716. According to these figures she has $8,314,309
in cash on hand. That's interesting! And it's quite a good start for a war chest, where ever she decides to run!
This information comes from a fascinating web site, Open Secrets.org, which provides contributor information for members of Congress and other good information.
Here is a link to Open Secrets.org
S E N A T O R (R - TX)
Kay Bailey Hutchison
First elected: 1993
Next election: 2012
2003-2008 Fundraising:
Cash on Hand:
Last report: December 31, 2007
2003-2008 Source of Funds
Individual contributions
PAC contributions
Candidate self-financing
2003-2008 PAC Contribution Breakdown
Ideological/Single Issue
How complete are this candidate's 2003-2008 campaign finance reports?
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