Cisneros Investigation Drags On! 10 Years Later...

Henry Cisneros Is A Victim of A Republican Vendetta!
It has dragged on for over ten years, at a cost to the taxpayers of more than $20 million dollars and it is time to put an end to it.
Henry Cisneros has been the target of this investigation by special prosecutor David M. Barrett. This investigation grew out of the continuous Republican witchhunt during the Clinton administrations.
Cisneros, the popular former mayor of San Antonio, served as the Housing Director in the Clinton administration. Cisneros was seen as a rising star in politics, especially as it was becoming obvious that the fast growing Latino vote was becoming increasingly more important.
It was uncovered during the course of the investigation that Cisneros had kept a mistress, who was paid an amount of money for her upkeep and to keep silent about the affair. During the vetting process he had lied to the FBI about how much money he had paid.
Thus began the investigation. Six years ago he pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI and paid a $10,000 fine which derailed his promising political career and ended his marriage.
Yet the investigation continues. This is more than ridiculous, it shows that the Republicans still fear the charismatic Cisneros and want to make sure he doesn't revitalize his political ambitions.
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